
Welcome to my website!

I am Professor of Sustainability and Organization at the Schulich School of Business, York University, Toronto.

My research: I conduct research on the dynamics of social change at organizational, industry and societal levels. I am especially interested in how people and organizations deploy cultural resources to bring about or resist social change. I have studied the role of emotions in social change, the role of social movements in creating popular support for local products, and organizations’ efforts to promote new ideas. I am currently conducting several projects that examine the role of authenticity in business and in society at large. I am also studying organizational and societal responses to the Covid-19 pandemic. My work appears or is forthcoming in such leading  journals as Academy of Management ReviewAcademy of Management JournalJournal of Management Studies, Harvard Business Review, and Scientific American, among others.

My professional involvement: I am a Senior Editor at Organization Studies. I am also currently serving on the editorial boards of Academy of Management Review, Academy of Management Journal, Journal of Management Studies, and Research in the Sociology of Organizations. 

My awards and distinctions: I am a recipient of Schulich Research Excellence Fellowship. My awards and distinctions include Best Article of the Year from Academy of Management Review (2023, with Trish Ruebottom, Sean Buchanan and Madeline Toubiana), Emerald Citation of Excellence Award, and Best Paper from International Small Business Journal. My 2022 and 2012 Academy of Management Review articles were  finalists for the Academy of Management’s OMT Division’s Best Published Paper Award. I have received Best Reviewer Awards from Academy of Management Review, Academy of Management Journal and Journal of Management Studies.


  • Ph.D. – Columbia University (2006)
  • MA – Columbia University (2003)
  • BA – Connecticut College (2000)